Friday, April 27, 2012

The 17 day diet Day 2: 162.4

I was delighted to take my weight this morning

Already two pounds down !!

I think when you start the 17 day diet - because of the massive amount of unprocessed food - you rapidly lose a little water weight

Breakfast : 10 oz Glass of milk ( I know you are supposed to shake things up but I love this so much )
Snack 1 - red grapes + blueberry
Lunch : Omelette and Roasted Asparagus ( I went home for lunch as my Friend came home for lunch )
Snack 2 Frozen Strawberry
Evening Snack : ( was ravenous and ended up eating  fruit again ) - 1/2 mango, 1/2 apple. 1 orange ( This is not good because on the 17 day diet you are not supposed to eat mango, no fruit after 2 pm and only 2 servings - 
I LOVE fruit though ) 
Dinner : Broccoli  ( I steamed this with Fresh ginger and sprinkled a little cheese on top ) +  chicken stirfry ( chicken tenderloins  sauteed in olive oil , onion, serrano pepper, and Trader Joe's Island Teriyaki Sauce )

I did not drink enough green tea or my probiotic . Just forgot :-(
There are two bad habits that I have that the 17 day diet gets me rid of

1. eating desert
2. popping things in my mouth randomly while working in he kitchen

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