Friday, May 20, 2011

2 more pounds down !!!

I went to Weightwatchers and I am 2 more pounds down .

I am signed up for the whole summer( they have an excellent deal going on right now )  and I am really hoping I am able to lose another 6 pounds AND keep them off

 I am trying very hard these days not to not say anything negative about my body

I think I spend all my 20's calling myself fat and thinking of myself as fat

And its only in my 30's that I am realising how important it is to be grateful and appreciative of your body

But I have to say I feel fat

This past week has been a week of excessive work .
DH had his tonsils out and so I have been doing some of the things he usually does - like getting R ready for school , grocery shopping , getting gas etc. And also   all of laundry and cooking which are usually things we do together


Plus I have been sleeping very poorly

AND work has been unusually intense

I am hoping things will get a little better this week and I will feel better

Sleep more and Exercise more

1 comment:

  1. I'm hoping you feel better... but if you want some company, I'm feeling the same. Ditto to everything you said about your 20's. Same to how I'm trying to feel in my 30's. and I weigh 158.6. :( Every time I get on the scale it's a little bit more. I don't feel that I'm "big", but I'm SQUISHY and I feel like I need to lose the squishy. So frustrating.((HUGS)) Keep working. :)
