I did pretty good
All things considering
All things being, going back to work - and a TON of work awaiting
Plus after the very relaxing 2 weeks of just being home and ( 10 days of that staying in a hotel - read , no cooking or cleaning ) - it was just a shock to get back to get back to the routine
In spite of all that - I did pretty well
I had 2 -3 bouts of mindless eating - where I ended up eating chocolate covered nuts ( my weakness ) mindlessly
But somehow I feel very forgiving - because for the 2 bouts of mindless eating - I avoided many bouts of mindless eating by simply asking myself the question before eating
Do I really want to eat this ?
And that is the real question -
I think the calorie-counting blinds us and changes our mindset to Can I eat this?
Wrong question .
This is my challenge for myself for the week
Ask myself before I eat -
Am I hungry? Do I really want this ?
If I am hungry, Out of all my choices - what is the best thing I can put in my body ?
Will you ask these questions too ?
Put like that it's so simple isn't it? I need to work on this. Once upon a time I was good at it. I want to get that back!